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Sun Langauge School


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Sun Language School believes it is crucial to the success of the school that the
Heads of Departments, teachers, classroom aides, and members of the School
Administration all have an opportunity to help design the behavior and discipline codes.


Sun Language School will focus on providing opportunities and support for
students to experience success. In order to ensure student success: schools will
ensure that definitions of success recognize the achievements of all students, that
curriculum are inclusive, and that all students are able to participate in curriculum
which is valued. The school management agrees, however, that the following
components should be part of any resultant policy:
• The Golden Rule should be the moral code for all students and staff to follow.
• All due process required by law must be strictly followed.
• The behavioral/discipline code should be based on positive reinforcement.
• Especially for older students, discipline should include reflective exercises, which remind the student of the mission of the school.
• Corporal punishment should not be part of Sun Language School.
• Uniforms should be worn by all Sun Language School students.”

Sun Language School will develop in students an acceptance of responsibility for their own behavior. In order to develop this responsibility:
• students need to understand that behavior is an action made by an individual within a social context
• a school community will place appropriate limits on students' behavior choices
• students will be taught the skills to enable them to actively participate in the development, implementation and review of their school's behavior codes, and
• the school behavior code will reflect processes for restorative and reconciliatory actions
• students' responsibility for their own behavior will be reinforced consistently in a manner which enhances their understanding of responsible social behavior
• social responsibilities will be taught across the curriculum and modeled in all aspects of school life
• the school will model and teach values of honesty, trust, respect and cooperation
• Students will have access to services which can support them in developing responsibility for their own behavior.
Thus, Sun Language School behavioral expectation is as follows:
 Students will come to school and be on time for the morning assembly and all classes. The bell signals that class has begun. Students are to be in their seats before the bell rings.
 Students will come prepared to complete meaningful work. Proper notebooks, textbooks, writing tools, and completed assignments are expected.
 Students will show respect for persons, property, and the learning process.
 Courteous behavior to students, staff, and visitors will be demonstrated.
 Directions from any Sun Language School staff member are to be followed.
 A clean, orderly, and safe playgrounds environment must be maintained.
 Students will come to school dressed appropriately in the school uniform. Clothing violates the uniform code and detracts from the educational process is not acceptable.
 Students will only consume food products in designated areas in the playgrounds.
Playgrounds are designated areas.
Classrooms, restrooms, P.E. Areas, and hallways are not areas wherein students may consume food.
Suspension from school means the student may not attend classes, participate in any school activity, or be on or around school during the period of suspension. Additionally, suspension from school may result in a 3-day activity suspension, beginning on the first day of suspension, and the removal from participation in all extra-/co-curricular activities including, but not limited to, sports, club events, etc. Suspension may occur for any of the following behaviors including, but not limited to:
- Attempted or threatened to cause physical injury to another.
- Pranks
- Causing damage to school or private property.
- Stealing school or private property.
- Using tobacco on school premises.
- Participating in robbery, engaged in violence, intimidation by harassment or threats, bullying, or extortion.
-Using profanity or vulgarity.
- Disruption or defiance.
-Knowingly receiving stolen school or private property.
-Lack of respect and appreciation of the teacher.
-Bullying and hurting a student by fellow school students by word or act.

ثانيا: المعايير السلوكية وسياسة الجزاء مدرسة صن الخاصة للغات تؤمن ان من المهم لنجاح المدرسة ان يتسنى لرؤساء الاقسام والمعلمين ومساعدى الفصول واعضاء ادارة المدرسة المشاركة فى وضع اسس الانضباط والسلوكيات المعايير السلوكية وسياسة التهذيب تسعى مدرسة صن للغات التركيز على توفير الفرص والدعم للطلاب لضمان النجاح للطالب..ستضمن المدرسة ان هذا المنهج شامل وان كل الطلاب قادرين على المشاركة فى المنهج القيم .ادارة المدرسة توافق مهما كان بالمحتويات التالية يجب ان تكون جز ءا من أي سياسة ناتجة : • القاعدة الذهبية يجب اتباع جميع الجراءات القانونية الواجبة التي يقتضيها القانون بدقة . • يجب أن يستند السلوك / الانضباط إلى التعزيز الايجابي. • بالنسبة للطلاب الأكبر سنا ، يجب أن يشمل الانضباط تمارين اضافية وموجهة لتذكير الطالب برسالة المدرسة. • لا يجب أن تكون العقوبة البدنية جزءا من سياسات مدرسة صن للغات. • يجب أن يرتدي جميع طلاب مدرسة صن للغات الزي الرسمي. ستطور مدرسة صن للغات لدى الطلاب قبول المسؤولية عن سلوكهم الخاص. من أجل تطوير هذه المسؤولية: • يحتاج الطلاب إلى فهم أن السلوك هو عمل يقوم به الفرد في سياق اجتماعي • يضع مجتمع المدرسة حدودا مناسبة على خيارات سلوك الطلاب • سيتم تعليم الطلاب المهارات اللازمة لتمكينهم من المشاركة بنشاط في تطوير وتنفيذ ومراجعة سلوك مدرستهم وسيعكس السلوك المدرسي عمليات الجراءات التصالحية والمصالحة • سيتم تعزيز مسؤولية الطلاب عن سلوكهم الخاص باستمرار بطريقة تعزز فهمهم للسلوك الاجتماعي المسؤول • سيتم تدريس المسؤوليات الاجتماعية عبر المنهج الدراسي وتطبيقه في جميع جوانب الحياة المدرسية • ستقوم المدرسة بصياغة وتعليم قيم الصدق والثقة والاحترام والتعاون • سيتمكن الطلاب من الوصول إلى الخدمات التي يمكن أن تدعمهم في تطوير المسؤولية عن سلوكهم . وبالتالي ، فإن التوقعات السلوكية لمدرسة صن للغات هي كما يلي : - سيأتي الطلاب إلى المدرسة ويكونون في الوقت المحدد لحضور طابو رالصباح وجميع الفصول. يجب أن يكون الطلاب في مقاعدهم قبل دق الجرس الذى يشير لموعد بدء الحصة - سيأتي الطلاب مستعدين لتحقيق عمل هادف. من المتوقع وجود دفاتر ملاحظات وكتب مدرسية وأدوات كتابة ومهام كاملة . - سيظهر الطلاب احترا ما للأشخاص والممتلكات وعملية التعلم. - سيتم الالتزام بالسلوك المهذب للطلاب والموظفين والزائرين . - يجب اتباع التوجيهات الواردة من أي عضو ف ي مدرسة صن للغات. - يجب الحفاظ على بيئة ملاعب نظيفة ومنظمة وآمنة . - سيأتي الطلاب إلى المدرسة مرتدين الزي المناسب للزي المدرسي. الملابس التى تخالف الزى الموحد وتنتقص من العملية التعليمية غير مقبولة . - سوف يتناول الطلاب فقط المنتجات الغذائية في مناطق المخصصة لذلك في فناء المدرسة . تعتبر المناطق المخصصة للملاعب والفصول الدراسية والاستراحات والممرات ليست مناطق يمكن للطلاب فيها تناول الطعام . الًيقاف عن الحضور / الفصل المؤقت يعني أنه لا يجوز للطالب حضور الفصول الدراسية أو المشاركة في أي نشاط مدرسي أو أن يكون في المدرسة أو حولها خلال فترة التعليق. بالضافة إلى ذلك ، قد يؤدي الفصل المؤقت من المدرسة إلى تعليق النشاط لمدة 3 أيام ، بد ءا من اليوم الأول للتعليق ، وعدم المشاركة في جميع الأنشطة المشتركة بما في ذلك الرياضة ، أحداث النادي ، إلخ. قد يحدث تعليق لأي من السلوكيات التالية بما في ذلك ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر : - محاولة او التهديد بالتسبب في إصابة جسدية لشخص آخر . - مقالب - إلحاق الضرر بالمدرسة أو الممتلكات الخاصة. - سرقة ممتلكات المدرسة أو ملكية خاصة . - التدخين في مباني المدرسة . - المشاركة في السرقة أو العنف أو التخويف عن طريق المضايقة أو التهديد أو البلطجة أو الابتزاز . - استخدام الألفاظ النابية أو البذيئة . - عدم احترام المعلم وتقديره. - التنمر وايذاء الطالب لزملائه من لفظ للقول او الفعل.


Arrival and Tardiness

Students may arrive on the school campus at 7:30 a.m. when the first bell
rings.The line-up bell rings at 7:45 a.m. Instruction begins promptly at 8:00
a.m. School personnel do not provide supervision before 7:00 a.m. or after 3:00
p.m. Student tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational process. Tardiness
interrupts the learning process for the student who is tardy and infringes on the
educational rights of other students. Tardiness in excess of five times will result
in disciplinary action.

Dismissal / Early Dismissal

Students are dismissed at 2:40 p.m. from their designated classrooms. Students
not picked up by 3:00 will be escorted to the administration building and signed
in. A parent or guardian will need to sign the student out in the administration
building. A parent, who wants permission for early dismissal for his /her son or
daughter, should write a request and send it to the administration the day before.
If early dismissal is sudden, the request could be sent to administration before
the morning assembly.

Your child may:

When picking up your child for early dismissal, all parents and/or legal guardians
must report to the front office (in the administration building). To ensure your
child’s safety, students will only be released to the person(s) listed on the student
enrollment form provided by the parents and/or legal guardians. Pictured
identification may be required each time a student is released early from class and
the sign out sheet must be completed. Please do not send an older sibling into the
school to pick up a student. We appreciate your cooperation in making our school
the safest environment possible for students. No early dismissals will be allowed
after 1:20 p.m.Except in extreme circumstances.


The Sun Language School Regulation Attendance Enforcement states that student
attendance is a shared responsibility between the student’s parent and the
school. Primary students shall be recorded as absent for half of the day if more
than one hour and fifty-five minutes of the instructional day are missed and
recorded as absent for the entire day if more than three hours and forty-five
minutes of the instructional day are missed.

Excessive absenteeism for students who exceed twenty (20) unapproved absences
during the school year may result in retention. Therefore, it is imperative for
students to be at school every day in order to gain the greatest benefit from the
educational opportunities being provided.

If your child is absent from school, you will need to send a note to the school on
the first day of his/her return to school explaining the absence. It is the
responsibility of the family to contact the school to obtain appropriate makeup
work within three school days directly following the absence. Students shall be
allowed a minimum of three (3) days to complete makeup work.

*** In the event that the parent does not arrive until 3 p.m, the student will be
left with the school security officer


Student Behavior

School Wide Expectations

We strive to provide a nurturing environment in which all children can flourish and
grow, and enhance their self-worth. In order to accomplish this, we have
established five behavioral expectations that teachers and staff are responsible
for enforcing at all times.

The Sun Language School Five Behavioral Expectations are as follows:

1. Listen and follow directions.
2. Keep negative comments to yourself.
3. Respect yourself, others, and property.
4. Remain on-task and complete all work.
5. Make good choices.
Students of Sun LanguageSchool are expected to behave in appropriate and considerate ways whenever they are in school or at a school function. Any actions that disrupt the learning process, offend others or deprive others of their rights are considered to be inappropriate and unacceptable. Appropriate students behavior and attitudes include but are not limited to the following:
• Always treat other people in the way in which you would want to be treated
• Walk, do not run in the hallways and staircases
• Speak at appropriate levels and avoid cursing, obscenities and negative language
• Keep out of the hallways during class time as much as possible
• Keep staircases clear and unobstructed
• Realize that constant moving around and standing produces noises and disrupt classes
• Understand that racial, ethnic, religious discrimination or vulgar language degrade the speaker as well as the victim
• Always eat and drink in the playground and not in hallways, classrooms or staircases
• Clean up after yourself, especially in the classrooms and playgrounds
• Refrain from roughhousing in the building, on school grounds and at off-campus school activities
• Always respect the property of the school and others in the school community
• Students are not allowed to chew gum in school
Students who make poor choices or behave in a manner that is not consistent with our school wide expectations will incur natural and logical consequences in accordance with their behavior.
Student behavior during The Morning Assemblies is expected to be courteous and responsible at all times. Talking to nearby students, attempting to use the rest rooms, and throwing of objects, are all examples of the types of disturbances and interruptions that will not be tolerated, as they do not reflect positively on the school and its entire student body. During assemblies, students must comply with directives and requests made by any faculty or staff member. Student misbehavior will result in any one or combination of the following consequences:
- removal from assembly
- detentions
- parental contact
- exclusion from future assemblies
- other consequences deemed appropriate by the administration


A student may be subject to disciplinary action as provided in the school’s
Disciplinary Penalties and Procedures, up to and including suspension from school,
when he or she, while on school property or engaging in a school activity:

A. Engages in conduct that is disorderly, intentionally causing public inconvenience,
annoyance, or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk to himself/herself or others.

Examples of disorderly conduct include:
1. Running in hallways;
2. Making unreasonable noise;
3. Using language or gestures that are profane, vulgar or abusive;
4. Engaging in any willful act that disrupts the normal operation of the school community; and
5. Engaging in any conduct using the schools computer network or the Internet that is in violation of the school’s acceptable use policy.
B. Engages in conduct that is insubordinate. Examples of insubordinate conduct include:
• Failing to comply with the lawful directions of teachers, school administrators or other school employees in charge of students or otherwise demonstrating disrespect to such employees;
• Skipping classes or detention; and
• Lateness for, missing or leaving school without permission.

C. Engages in conduct that is violent. Examples of violent conduct include:
1. Committing, attempting or threatening to commit an act of violence, such as hitting, kicking, punching, scratching or throwing any projectile, upon a teacher, administrator, other school employee, another student or any other person on school property;
2. Intentionally damaging or destroying the personal property of a teacher, administrator, other school employee, another student or any other person on school property, including by graffiti or arson; and
3. Intentionally damaging or destroying school district property.

D. Engages in any conduct that endangers the safety, morals, health or welfare of others. Examples of such conduct include:
1. Being untruthful to school personnel;
2. Stealing the property of other students, school personnel or any other person on school property or attending a school function;
3. Defamation, which includes making false or unprivileged statements or representations about an individual or identifiable group of individuals that harm the reputation of such person or identifiable group by demeaning them;
4. Discrimination, which includes the use of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability as a basis for treating an individual in a negative manner;
5. Harassment, which includes a sufficiently severe action or a persistent, pervasive pattern of actions or statements directed at an individual or identifiable group which are intended to be, or which a reasonable person would perceive as, ridiculing or demeaning;
6. Intimidation or bullying;
7. Hazing, which includes soliciting, encouraging, aiding or engaging in any intentional, knowing or reckless act directed against a student for the purpose of being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization, club or athletic team whose members are, or include, other students;
8. Selling, using or possessing obscene material;
9. Using vulgar or abusive language, cursing or swearing;
10. Smoking a cigarette, cigar or pipe, or using chewing or smokeless tobacco in school or on school property or while attending a school function; Indecent exposure, which includes exposure to sight of the private parts of the body in a lewd or indecent manner; and

11. Initiating a report warning of fire or other catastrophe without valid cause, or discharging a fire extinguisher.

E. Engages in any form of academic misconduct. Examples of academic misconduct include:
1. Cheating.
2. Plagiarism.
3. Copying.
4. Altering records.
5. Forging notes, passes or excuses.
6. Assisting another student in any of the above actions.


Dress Code

Sun Language School reserves the right to insist that students wear the school
uniform assigned by the school management. The school uniform is to be worn by all
students. School uniform is available in the school. The items are as follows:

The dress and grooming of students are within the limits of generally accepted
community standards. The following dress and appearance guidelines from the
School management will be enforced:
• Require the wearing of shoes with soles (no sandals or flip flops)
• Prohibit wearing crop tops (no skin showing between bottom of shirt/blouse and top of pants or skirts), strapless, low-cut clothing, clothing with slits, or top and outfits that provide minimum coverage.
• Prohibit wearing any clothing that violates the school uniform policy.
• Prohibit slogans or advertising on clothing which by their controversial or obscene nature disrupt the educational setting. No spiked or studded clothing and no chains.
• The principal shall retain the authority to grant exceptions for special occasions. Students violating the dress regulations will be asked to correct the problem or call their parent and/or legal guardian to bring appropriate clothing to school.


Sun Language Schoolhas a zero-tolerance level for acts of harassment and
physical aggression. Harassment is any verbal, visual, or physical conduct, which is
sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it adversely affects, or has the
purpose or logical consequence of interfering with the student’s educational
program or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school atmosphere.

While many types of conduct may show evidence of harassment, common types
include, but are not limited to: unwanted touching, blocking a person’s normal
movements, threats, slurs, epithets, verbal abuse, derogatory comments, drawings,
pictures, or gestures, unwelcome jokes, teasing, or propositions, graphic comments
about an individual’s body, spreading rumors about a person, purposefully limiting a
person’s access to educational tools, displaying sexually suggestive objects in the
educational environment, or any act of retaliation against an individual who reports
a violation.

Personal Items

Students are not permitted to bring toys, electronic devices, or personal items of any kind to Sun Language School. Additionally, items such as cell phones are not allowed on the school campus. Also,students are NOT to bring any valuables, such as large amounts of money or other valuables to school. School facilities (including classrooms) are not appropriate places for valuables. The school cannot assume responsibility for valuables that students bring to school. (E.g. I-Pods, digital cameras, cell phones, etc.) These items will be confiscated and brought to the school office where they can be picked up by a parent on an assigned day. The school does not assume liability for any personal item brought to school.


School's Right to Search

Shelves, desks or storage places provided for student use are, and
remain at all times, property of the Sun Language School. These areas
and the contents, therefore, are subject to a random search at any
time, pursuant to school policy. Administrators are authorized to
conduct reasonable inspection of school property or of students and
items brought upon school grounds, including bags or knapsacks, when
there is reasonable cause to believe that a student may be in
possession of evidence that a law or a school rule has been violated.

Cellular Phones

Because they can interfere with the educational process, cell phones are
prohibited in the school. If a cell phone is brought to school, the following
guidelines/rules are to be followed:
1. Please be aware that the school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones.
2. Cell phones are NOT to be used during school hours. Anyone seen using a cell phone during school hours will have the phone confiscated and brought to the Principal’s office. The Principal will put the cell phone in an envelope, will seal it and will write on it the name of the student, the grade and the date. He will then hand it to the school chairman who will decide on when to return the cell phone to the student.